Kështu Punëmira kishte kishën e shën Minait, fshati Opar kishën e shën e Premtes dhe shen Kollit , bMisrasi/b kishën e shën Kollit, Osoja kishën e shën Gjergjit, shën e Premten dhe shën Mërinë. Është për të theksuar këtu se, vite më parë, ...
So what makes a woman my age begin a blog? Well I will tell you. Nothing but sheer boredom....and maybe a need to express myself to something (like a computer) that doesn't talk back. Also I have, at times, alot to say and no one to say ...
Is it possible to believe that people who ultimately brought such intensity to intellectual and religious life started from the lowly bestate/b of either having no religion or wallowing in the abyss of an obscure polytheism? b....../b Studien zu Nyayasutra III.1 mit dem Nyayatattvaloka Vacaspati bMisras/b II. Stuttgart : Steiner. Alt- und neu-indische Studien 46. Raghavan, V. 1952. Sahendravilasa: A poem on the life of King Sahaji of Tanjore (1684- 1710) of Sridhara Venkatesa ...